Restaurant listings and search
Detailed menus with descriptions, prices, and images
Easy order placement and an option to schedule orders later
In-app 24/7 communication and support
Real-time order tracking from preparation to delivery
Multiple payment options
Ratings and reviews
Push notifications
Delivery agent’s availability toggle
Navigation and route optimization
Order pickup and delivery confirmation
Real-time tracking and status updates
In-app 24/7 communication and support
Earnings and incentives tracking
Real-time notifications and alerts
Delivery history and ratings
Menu and order management
Real-time order notifications
Order tracking and status updates
Payment processing
Inventory management
Promotions and discounts management
Reporting and analytics
Review and rating management
Customer, order, restaurant, and delivery agent management
Role-based access control
Real-time monitoring
Reporting and analytics
Promotions and discounts management and financial analytics
Feedback and review management
Surge pricing
User support management
By enabling an innovative digital experience that fulfills new-age demands.