Product search based on brand, price range, dietary preference, etc.
Add to cart/Add to wishlist and checkout
In-app payment
Real-time order tracking
In-app communication with delivery agent/store
Ratings and reviews for delivery agent and store
Order history
Notifications and alerts
Service availability toggle
Receive delivery requests
Real-time navigation and route optimization
Digital proof of delivery
Payments management
Transaction history
Ratings and reviews for customers
Notifications and alerts
Dashboard for all earnings, orders, and customers
Add/Modify/Delete grocery store details
Payments management
Manage order cancellations and refunds
Inventory management
Personalized offers for customers
Real-time tracking of order fulfillment status
Analysis and Reporting
Authenticate and manage access to customers, vendors, and delivery agents
Assign stores to delivery agents
Content management system
Manage earnings and commissions
Add/Edit/Delete any user, delivery agent, vendor, or product
Reporting and analytics to track app performance
Manage notifications sent to customers, vendors, and delivery agents
Manage offers and discount coupons
By enabling an innovative digital experience that fulfills new-age demands.